by Michael S. Kaplan, published on 2005/07/24 14:59 -04:00, original URI:
The other day someone was talking about how we could maybe think about not using the registry for some of our NLS support configuration. It was an interesting thought, and I am not completely against the concept of breaking people who insist on doing unsupported things with undocumented registry keys. After all, that is why certain things are not documented!
But then yesterday I was looking through MSDN and stumbled acroos the Host Integration Server 2000 documentation (it was hard to miss, under a main topic like NLS (National Language Support), of course!). There are the SNANLS API Functions, and in particular OpenNlsRegistry which opens up the key that we were under the (apparently mistaken) impression was internal and undocumented. Darn.
Many of of their other functions (like SnaNlsinit) do similar things. Double darn. And it's probably too late to call it a typo. :-(
Now if you start looking around their APIs to see if there is anything you might want to use, note that their SnaNlsMapString has nothing to do with our NLS LCMapString; they are mapping between code pages, while we do a whole bunch of other mappings, like I describe here. They would be doing the equivalent of combining MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte calls to get the work done in this function....
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# Troy Phillips on 24 Jul 2005 9:36 PM:
# Michael S. Kaplan on 25 Jul 2005 4:41 AM:
# Maurits [MSFT] on 25 Jul 2005 11:26 AM:
# Michael S. Kaplan on 25 Jul 2005 11:30 AM: