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  1. "Now that its been saved, how do I open it?" (2012/02/13)

    …ginal conversations where they decided to expand that dialog to support three kinds of Unicode, and so on. I could ask Chris Walker, he'd give me the skinny here, maybe tell me the real story about what happened in 98-99 that led to adding both UTF-8…

  2. When keeping things on a level Plane[ 1] doesn't work anymore (2009/06/09)

    …lication is perhaps an overstatement; its just an uber-wrapper for a Win32 EDIT control." It never occurred to me that Chris Walker, the development owner of Notepad for over a decade, was a reader of my blog. He was. And he noticed. and commented. O…

  3. Ever wonder why no one bothers to fold digits? (2007/02/19)

    I am pretty sure I have mentioned Chris Walker before on this blog.... Anyway, the other day after that whole conversation about digits happened, he pointed out some…

  4. When will this line end? And how? (2005/05/22)

    I have talked about Chris Walker before. He is one of guys behind Notepad.exe for several versions, watching this uber-layer around a Win32 EDIT contro…

  5. When Notepad's Find doesn't (2005/04/06)

    I met Chris Walker the other day. It is amazing how you can "know" someone at Microsoft through email without ever actually meeting them.…

  6. Notepad folds digits like origami birds (2005/01/27)

    Chris Walker mentioned to me yesterday something I did not know about Notepad -- that it uses the FoldString API with the MAP_FOLDD…

Showing results 1—6.