by Michael S. Kaplan, published on 2005/12/02 03:01 -05:00, original URI:
The other day, Izzy asked in the microsoft.public.dotnet.internationalization newsgroup:
I want to use a calendar web control that will display a non-gregorian calendar. When setting the CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new Calendar() it works but the language is the Culture's language, and I want it to be displayed in English. E.g. When trying to display a Hebrew Calendar I will use the following code in Page_Load:
CultureInfo ilCulture = new CultureInfo("he-IL");
ilCulture.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new HebrewCalendar();
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ilCulture;This will display a HebrewCalendar but the HebrewCalendar will be displayed in Hebrew, and I want it to be displayed in English. Is it possible? How?
Those of you who are familiar with the limitations of calendars, or those of you following issues here probably know, the answer is not a happy one for Izzy -- there is no way to do it.
The only fully localized calendar is the Gregorian calendar. Thinking back to yesterday when I asked What Language to Use?, the native language is the only one present for most calendars, the localized name is there for Gregorian only, and the English name is not available anywhere.
Though to be honest, it bothers me more that the Hijri calendar is always in Arabic (even in the Divehi language's locale, where it makes no sense) than the Hebrew calendar is always in Hebrew. Because truthfully in the context of the Hebrew calendar it is in the most sensible language already, and having it in localized or even English form is not quite as important....
In any case, yet another way that calendars are not all there yet in Windows and the .NET Framework? :-(
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# Ilya on 2 Dec 2005 4:11 AM:
# David on 2 Dec 2005 7:35 AM:
# Michael S. Kaplan on 2 Dec 2005 7:47 AM:
# Michael S. Kaplan on 2 Dec 2005 7:50 AM:
# orcmid on 2 Dec 2005 12:45 PM:
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