by Michael S. Kaplan, published on 2005/10/20 03:01 -04:00, original URI:
Not too long ago, someone pointed me at a Channel 9 thread asking about Writing a new jalaali calendar(System.Calendar) class .net 1.1.
I think I have pointed out in the past many of the flaws in the unmanaged, unmanaged, and managed calendar support in Microsoft products.
(I could probably supplement this with at least three posts of all of the expansions that various products like Outlook have done and how they may have actually made things worse rather than better in many cases, but that just highlights the fact that we do not solve all of the customer requests and people could not wait for us. It is (to asy the least) a bit cheeky to complain about those who are are at least trying to solve the problems!)
But to get back to the question of a Jalaali calendar, the best possible answer I could give is the new PersianCalendar class in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. One step at a time, and this is a small step. But it is an important step....
The reason I suggest this particular solution is that calendars are very difficult to override completely, which is a lot of the reason for the reported difficulties that the original thread was highlighting.
Calendars are a somewhat unique problem when thoughts of how to "open it all up" and "get out of the way" are entertained, because of the fact that in most cases there is a lot more involved than just localizing names; there is a need to capture the algorithm as well, and finding a way to do all of that for both managed and unmanaged code (how else to work with custom locales?) while still handling the fact that many of the experts in such matters are not themselves programmers is a very difficult problem to solve in a generic manner.
Again I am not giving MS policy here, but it always seem to me that the reason people like Windows is that things simply work without them having to be programmers....
I can not say for sure, but sometimes I wonder if the reason that this kind of extension has not yet happaned has more to do with this difficulty in framing the problem and its customers then in the technical difficulties in calendars themselves.
But people are (and have been) thinking about the problems and how best to try to tackle them. This is a topic that I will post more on when there is mor to actually post....
In the meantime, enjoy the new PersianCalendar class in Whidbey!
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# Roozbeh Pournader on 20 Oct 2005 9:57 AM:
# Michael S. Kaplan on 20 Oct 2005 10:17 AM:
# Shelby Eaton on 21 Oct 2005 3:08 AM:
# Roozbeh Pournader on 21 Oct 2005 6:36 PM:
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