by Michael S. Kaplan, published on 2005/09/29 12:14 -04:00, original URI:
Ivan just contacted me with the following message:
I've found a bug in a native NT API, specifically NtQueryDirectoryObject, who should I report it to?
The report a bug link on just gives a phone number and I don't want to pay an intercontinental phone call.
Of course, NtQueryDirectoryObject is not a documented function in either the SDK or the DDK, so it is hard to know how one could report a bug against it. For all one knows, there could be a comment that describes the usage limitations that could cover the very scenario causing a bug, right? :-)
But you can describe the bug right here in a comment, and I can forward the link to someone. Genuine bugs are obviously always a concern, though I would always suggest trying to avoid calling these functions directly....
# Leopold Faschalek on 30 Sep 2005 5:29 AM:
# Michael S. Kaplan on 30 Sep 2005 6:53 AM:
referenced by
2007/07/17 If it is not documented... oh, never mind!